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Страници с маркер young adult ministry .

Working in the Church isn't easy. Neither is working in Pawnee. Here are 4 things I Steve learned from Leslie Knope.
A look at two kinds of compunction, and what they both mean for our spiritual lives.
A free new Bible Study resource for the Triodion Period (the Sunday of the Publican & Pharisee through Holy Saturday).
Chris Pratt witnessed to Christ and the Gospel while he accepted an award. Here are 3 things we can learn and apply.
Why do so many kids who are active in youth ministry grow up and disconnect from the Church?
A few years ago, Domino's Pizza admitted a huge mistake. And then they fixed it. That's a powerful lesson for Church leaders everywhere.
As we count down to the last episode of "Be the Bee." Steve takes a look back and the incredible impact of the series.