It’s a dilemma that has followed most of us for as long as we can remember: you can’t go and play with friends until you complete your duties around the house. And while we may not have appreciated it then, this ordering of responsibilities is actually foundational to the proper functioning of our relationships.
Each of us has a limited amount of time and resources that we can expend, and it is through our time and resources that we demonstrate what we care about the most. Often, what we think we value and how we demonstrate that value does not line up.
Sometimes we hesitate to say “no” to people so that we can say “yes” to those towards whom we have responsibility. We are afraid of being unkind, of being un-Christian. But prioritizing relationships is actually scriptural! In the Ten Commandments of the Book of Exodus, God tells us “Honor your father and mother,” and in the Gospel accounts, Jesus says “…a man shall leave his father and mother, and join to his wife. And they two shall be one flesh: so then they are no more two, but one flesh.”
Join Christian in this week’s Trench as he considers how we should go about prioritizing our relationships and how proper prioritization is key in our relationship with God.
- Anthony
Anthony Ladas is a student at Fordham University and currently an intern for Y2AM.