
Innehåll med tagg young adult .

After season one of We Are Orthodoxy, we're starting to notice some trends in what young adults are really saying about their experience in the Church.
Why do so many kids who are active in youth ministry grow up and disconnect from the Church?
When I hear about people who have experienced miracles, I can’t help but think, “I want that"...a super awesome miracle moment that changes my life forever.
It’s all too easy to fall into a pattern where I blame everyone else for the way that I am feeling, for my actions, and for my behaviors.
In life, there’s a lot that I don’t know, and there’s a lot that I will never know. So...where’s the solace in all of this?
I realized how stubborn I was being to not want to answer my mom in the first place. Like, “my faith is personal, and I don’t want to share it with her right now.” Yet I sucked up my pride and decided to share it anyway.
In this toxic, politics-ridden, dare I admit it- fallen- world, we all need to learn to listen to each other.
As St. Dionysios showed us, forgiveness does not have to come with the reassurance of saying “it’s okay.” Forgiveness is enough in itself.